Canada – Mississauga, Toronto, 12 May, 2009
Big Al in Canada is a large chain of Aquarium Shops and they call themselves “The Pond and Aquarium Hobby Specialists”. This is the Mississauga store.
Big Al in Canada is a large chain of Aquarium Shops and they call themselves “The Pond and Aquarium Hobby Specialists”. This is the Mississauga store
At the entrance already one gets overwhelmed by Plastic and gimmicks in the aquarium decoration, if it is a submarine or the Titanic, sea snakes or plastic fishes
They have a giant selection of accessories and one can “Enter the Deep”…
…here a Puntius filamentosus gets lost next to a lion head and plastic medusas over very colourful gravel…
…and we are told (offered) to “love Our Planet” and “Protect Our Earth“ with plastic fishes, lion heads, zebra and rhinos in plastic… (at least now we know what to love…)
Discus feel lost over black gravel and among plastic plants
At least the predatory Raphiodon vulpinus had normal gravel
The was also a large selection of rainbowfishes with nice photos – but none of the rainbows had such colour as on the picture, only washed out colours from inbreeding – mostly colourless… and even selling hybrids!
One “biotope“ aquarium (the only one in this large shop) had a mixture of Puntius denisonii (above), neon tetras, rainbowfishes, swordtails, etc. The whole world of ornamentals in one biotope…
There is a fountain with kois and koi aquariums and…
…the characins (different tetras) swimming over plasticized gravel into the mouth of dragons and sharks. These plastic items and the unnatural gravel must be an assemblage of the most disgusting decorations for this beautiful hobby. They are made for Man but not for fishes – the latter will suffer and die in such a fake environment.
And to top to it all: Madagascar 2 now also under water…
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