Cassano Magnago, Italy – 3-5 June 2016
Information Discus entries (EN) Discus Contest Application Form
Informazioni per partecipare al Concorso Discus (IT) Iscrizione-Discus
Information Biotope & Aquascape entries (EN) Apply_form-Biotope
Informazioni per partecipare al Biotope / Aquascape (IT) Iscrizione-Biotope
Information for visitors (EN) Visitors Information (english)
Informationi per i visitatori (IT) Informazioni x visitatori (italiano)
Send the filled inform to: [email protected]
Spedire le iscrizioni a: [email protected]
For payment / Pagamento:
DISCUS CHAMPIONSHIP (incl. informations/incluse informazioni) ENG-ITA
Ticket for VISITORS 1 day / Biglietto per 1 giorno
Ticket for VISITORS 2-3 days / Biglietto per 2-3 giorni
IMPORTANT: Please send us copy of payment to: [email protected] and bring along a copy of the payment to be shown at the entrance of the event.
IMPORTANTE: Vi preghiamo di inviare copia del pagamento a: [email protected] e di portare con voi una copia da mostrare all’entrata.
This post is also available in: Italian German French Spanish Português
I live in France and i will came to Milan for the shows and I am in search of an accommodation or I could be with the participants. Have you something who if call the OASIS? In waiting your reply i wish you my best Regards,
Dear Nicolas,
The closest hotel to the event is this:
Best Western Jet Hotel ****
Via Tiro a Segno 22 – 21013 Gallarate (Va)
Tel (+39) 0331 772 100
Fax (+39) 0331 772 686
[email protected]