By Brian Andrews ORNAMENTAL FISH FARMING is a 528 page, hard cover, glossy-paged ‘how-to’ manual on the breeding, rearing and marketing of freshwater tropical fish and goldfish. It is a practical hands-on book containing a great deal of never-before published…
DISCUSBOOK04, full with innovations and not only discus; also fascinating and unique discoveries – the very firsts worldwide…
Aquapress has published a new yearly edition, DISCUSBOOK03, full with innovations and not only discus; also fascinating and unique discoveries – the very firsts worldwide. ONLY IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE
The 2nd annual edition from Aquapress Publishers is another milestone for nature lovers, explorers, Amazon lovers, for those who want to know about the newest discus and other Amazonian discoveries from 2010 and 2011. Packed with the history of two…
Aquapress has published a new yearly edition, DISCUSBOOK01, full with innovations and not only discus; also fascinating and unique Amazonia discoveries – the very firsts worldwide … 3rd. PRINT-RUN
New Classification for Tank-Bred Discus
Suggested by Heiko Bleher at the First World Discus Congress during Napoli Aquatica 2010, which was recognized by the 10 – possibly the most recognized – discus judges world-wide. This 16-page catalogue gives all the details of the history of…
Iténez – River of hope
by Amanda Flora Hilda Bleher Edited by Heiko Bleher Finally the English version of the “Itenéz – River of Hope” – the unique biography of Amanda Bleher, edited by Heiko Bleher, has arrived. In this book Amanda Bleher tells us…
Bleher’s Biotopes in Nature and in Aquaria – 2
2nd Volume of Heiko Bleher’s new yearly publication. It shows again the real aquatic world in nature, the expeditions to collect life aquatic creatures and plants, to bring them back alive and introduce them into the most beautiful hobby in…
Bleher’s Discus – Vol. 1 – Czech language
BLEHEROVI TERČOVCI – Díl I První díl knihy Bleherovi terčovci od Heiko Blehera, která pojednává o rodu Symphysodon a je téměř po celém světě povaována za „Bibli terčovců”, se konečně dočkal překladu do češtiny, který je nyní dostupný na internetu. Překladu se…
Bleher’s Discus – Volume 2
DISCUS BREEDING WORLDWIDE – HISTORY, BREEDERS, METHODS, VARIANTS Discus Breeding – The First Breeders – Dr Schmidt-Focke’s Work – Breeders Of The Last 60 Years – Summary Of Discus Breeding – Discus Variants In Aquaria Worldwide – The Latest Cultivated…
aqua geõgraphia – 50 % discount
Special offer – 50% discount of the cover price of all 24 volumes Euro 197.40 You pay only Euro 98.70 + shipping. Available only limited stock in English and German languages. Go to shop…