Heiko Bleher– Collecting in Rio Jandiatuba, Brazil 2014
Heiko Bleher did in September 2014 research in the remote and totally unexplored Jandiatuba River, a right-hand tributary of the Rio Solimões, Amazon State, Brazil, together with 5 friends from Australia, England and Argentina. He collected in tiny creeks flowing…
This is a very short clip of the new underwater video of Heiko Bleher, filmed in the discovery of what he calls his 3rd dream lake, after his research and discoveries in Lac Fwa, in the D. R. Congo, and…
Blind fish of the Yucatan – Typhliasina pearsel
by Jorge Espino of a biotope aquarium from a Cenotes in Yucatan, Mexico
In 2001 Heiko, with Natasha, discovered a new rainbowfish in the river Ifaupan on Misool Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia and introduced this beauty to the aquarium hobby. At the time Australian rainbow fish specialist Gerald R. Allen believed it was…
Germany – Nuremberg, 17-20 May 2012
New biotope aquarium from ADG
Houston, Texas, USA – July-August 2012 The great ADG (Aquarium Design Group) from Houston, Texas, is following Heiko Bleher’s footsteps decorating biotope aquariums according to nature. In 2004 already they have decorated a beautiful aquarium for tank bred Discus…
Upper Barito River basin, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia
During a recent, May 2011, expedition to which Heiko Bleher was invited by Herman Oei and his kind friend from Jakarta, who’s father own a large forest area in the upper Barito River basin, gave the full support to reach…
FIDO the Discus Championship of the Spanish Forum Pez Disco
Spain – Madrid, 12-13 March, 2011 The very active José, the man who probably runs Spain’s most valuable and correctly organized Discus forum and website, has done for the second time with his fantastic administrators and sponsors, such as Discusland…
Belo Monte Dam Programmed Environmental Disaster
On August 27, 2010, the Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Lula) has signed the concession contract for the Belo Monte dam and hydroelectric project on the Xingu River. Construction is now underway in an area of some of…
Evolution & Speciation in the Laguna de Apoyeque
November 2007 – Nicaragua Axel Meyer, Heiko Bleher & companions did research in the crater lakes of Nicaragua in 2007 and found in the Laguna de Apoyeque some very interesting forms of Amphilophus with Heiko Bleher’s discovery of one particular…