See: Interview Heiko Bleher
Is there really a freshwater seahorse?
Freshwater seahorse – real or just a myth? Heiko Bleher explains…
Heiko Bleher’s interview for
Juan Miguel Artigas Azas from has interviewed Heiko Bleher in July for his prestigious site, one of the most best and oldest cichlid websites. Interview
The search for Iranocichla, Heiko’s article in the PFK’s August issue
Heiko Bleher travels to Iran and Ad Konings introduces the kambuzi cichlids of Lake Malawi.
Definite Guide to Freshwater Stingrays Potamotrygonidae, Heiko’s article in the PFK’s August issue
Heiko Bleher starts a two-part assessment of stingrays, spotlighting the popular South American potamotrygonid rays.
Amanda Flora Bleher is born today, on July 15th, 2010 at 10:45 Italian time. Finally the 4th generation for the continuity of the Kiel-Bleher-Family tradition has seen the light of this world, healthy, happy and smiling with 2950 grams…
This summer, Aquapress is developing the french part of its website. Very soon, French-speaking people will be able to read new translations of the former pages and more and more texts in French (all biotopes shows, latest expeditions, etc.). For…
Heiko Bleher visits Kerala – in the may issue of PFK
Heiko Bleher visits Kerala in southern India – an area which is quickly losing its flora and fauna.
Information on how to keep certain fish species by heiko Bleher at PFK
PFK – Browse by author
Biotopes of Maharashtra, India by Heiko Bleher at PFK
Heiko Bleher visits some of the biotopes of Maharashtra in the Western Ghats states of India and finds new species overcoming great handicaps.
Rio Iriri Biotope, Brazil, by Heiko Bleher for PFK
Heiko Bleher reveals some amazing new discoveries in Brazil’s Rio Iriri — one of the most remote places on earth.