List of Lectures & Seminars

Image Heiko has been invited for lectures on nature already with the age of 19. Since the mid 1960s he is asked to give lectures and seminars on aquatic habitats, endangered species, global warming and the worldwide destructions of natural habitats; on authentic biotope aquariums and much more (see also Possible lectures). Here Some of his most recent ones…






Heiko gave his first lectures on nature, aquatic biotopes, flora and fauna of Brazil – and specially its fishes – while working at Gulf Fish Farms in Florida, USA in the years 1963-1964. In the following years in Rio de Janeiro, while renovating the public aquarium he gave his first seminars (1965-1967), mainly on aquascape and decoration as in nature. September 1967 he moved his, 1965 in Rio de Janeiro established, company AQUARIUM RIO to Frankfurt, Germany, and started to give lectures in many more countries. His topics at that time were mainly about tropical freshwater fishes, aquatic plants, biotopes, and he started to give lectures on the destruction of the natural habitats of flora and fauna worldwide. Later he was invited because of his presence in the pet business for decades (and in the 3rd generation) also to lecture on the past, present and future of the pet trade and the aquarium hobby. In addition he did hold seminars for hobbyists (animal, fish & plant lovers), retailers and wholesaler and how they can/should improve their hobby and/or business. Since the early 1970s such lectures & seminars have taken him around the world. To this date (2007) he has been invited to more than 50 countries, giving lectures & seminars normally in 6 languages (German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese). Below is a list of some of his past keynote speeches, lectures & seminars (see also possible lectures), but the list is by far complete…

19751983 details to follow


–   CATFISH ASSOCIATION GREAT BRITAIN – Convention 1984 – London, 1984.

     Lectures: “The longevity of Catfish in Central South America” and  “The Adventure

     of Collecting Brochis britski, Corydoras guapore and Corydoras caudomaculatus”


–   SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch Horst  

     Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1985. Lecture: one. (in German)


–   EXPO TOKYO – 1st. International Discus Exhibition – Tokyo, Japan. Seminars  

     on “Wild and tank breed discus”; on “Classification of natural species and tank

     breed variants”; on “Nutrition”, etc. (in English)

–   SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch Horst  

     Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1986. Lecture: one. (in German)


–   CONFERENCE at the NINTH ANNUAL F.T.F.F.A. (Florida Tropical Fish farms

     Association) AWARDS BANQUET – Tampa, Florida, USA, March 7, 1987.

     Lecture: “Keynote Address” The beginning of the chain…

–   IPTO – International Pet Trade Organization Annual Meeting – Copenhagen,

     Denmark, June 14, 1987. Lecture: one. (in English)

–   DUPLA-SYMPOSION 87 – Bielefeld, Germany, June, 1987. Lecture: one.

     (in German)

–   POLAND CONFERENCE – Conference sponsored by TROPICAL company, 

     Andrej Ogrodnik & the Polski Zwiazek Akwarystôv Zarzad Glowny with lectures

     in Cracovia, Poland, April, 1987. Lectures: two. (in German & English)

–   EXPOAVIGA 87 – Barcelona, Spain, November 25, 1987. Lectures: “ Filtraje

     biológico de acuários” and “Descubrimiento y comercialización de nuevas

     especies de peces tropicales”. Aquarium Rio was also represented with the

     Heikomobile and new fish species and Heiko had organized that the OFI held

     their meeting at Expoaviga (Keith Barraclough was than president of OFI), as

     well as the IPTO. (in English & Spanish)


–   SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch Horst  

     Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1988. Lecture: one. (in German)

–   ANGFA National Convention 88 – Sydney, Australia, October, 1988.

–   CONFERENCE for TFH Australia, Inc. – Sydney, Australia, October, 1988.

–   CZECH REPUBLIC 1988 – Praha and Ostrava, Czech Republic, December,

     1988. Lectures: two (one near Praha and one in Ostrava). (in German & English)



     participation de l’ Aquarium Tropical et du Cercle aquariophile de Nancy (25°  

     anniversaire) – Nancy, France, January 21-29, 1989. Lecture: one (in French)

–   ACADEMIA SINICA – Wuhan, Hubai, China. Lecture: given on “Different South

     American fish groups” and “African cyprinids” for the Institute of Hydrobiology.

     (in English, Mandarin & Cantonese)

–   SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch Horst  

     Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1989. Lecture: one. (in German)

–   1st. AQUARAMA 89 – International Aquarium Fish and Accessories Conference  

     Singapore, June 15-18, 1989. Lectures: “The possibilities of collecting,

     breeding and marketing wild-caught fishes, as well as protecting  the fish industry:

     past, present and future” a “Keynote speech”. Heiko also did the judging and

     helped to organize this unique and first international  event world-wide.

–   CONFERENCE Y. W. ONG – Singapore, 1989. Lectures & Seminars: “South

     American Ornamental Fishes & their Nature”.


     England, February 19, 1989. Lectures: “Indian Adventures Pt. 1” and “Indian

     Adventures Pt. 2”.

–   AQUARIAN FISHKEEPING EXHIBITION – Sandown Park, London, England,  

     June 10-11, 1989. Lectures: “Collecting Rare Species”.

–   TAIKONG – International Ornamental Fish Conference – Taipei, Taiwan, July 1989.

     Lectures & seminars on: “Discus fishes in the wild & breeding forms around the

     World”. (in English, Mandarin & Cantonese)


     10-13, 1989. Lectures: “Is the Turn of the Century the End of the Tropical

     Freshwater Fish Fauna?”


–   KÖLLE ZOO – Stuttgard, Germany, January, 1990. Lectures: two.

–   DUPLA-SYMPOSION 90 – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1990. Lecture: one.

–   CONFERENCE – AQUARIUM RIO 25th Anniversary – Nürnberg, Germany,

     May, 1990. Lecture: “Collecting fishes in Amazonia and around the world”

     (in English)

–   AQUARIA EXPO 1990 – Auckland, New Zealand. Lectures at Kelly Tarltons  

     for the Petlife Distributors and Auckland Aquarium Society.

–   ACA- Convention 1990 – Steinhardt Aquarium – San Francisco, USA.

     Lectures: “Discus”.

–   ANGFA National Convention 90 – Brisbane, Australia, October, 1990.

     Lectures: two.

–   CONFERENCE AT KAMIHATA FISH IND. Ltd.Japan – Himeji City, 1990

–   GLOBAL PETS USA, Orlando, 1990


–   2nd. AQUARAMA  91 – Singapore June 27-30, 1991. Lectures (3): “Currant

     Trends in the International Aquatic Trade” (Keynote Address); Global Problems

     and the Aquatic Trade”; and “The Health of Fiosh in Transit: lates and Best

     packing Methods for Intercontinental Shippers”. ”.


     August 29-September 1, 1991. Lectures: “The Dream Lake” and “The World of

     Cichlids”, as well as two videos: “World of Discus I” and “World of Discus II”.

   SANKT-PETERSBURG 91 – Russia – Sankt-Petersburg

–   OFI 1991 – Ornamental Fish International – Singapore



–   SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch Horst  

     Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May, 1992. Lecture: one.

–   ZOOHAUS HUGO SCHMIDT – Lünen, Germany, June 6, 1992. Lecture:

     “Zierfischfang in 5 Kontinenten” (Collecting Ornamental Fishes in 5 Continents).

–   ACA – American Cichlid Association – 1992 Convention – Louisville, Kentucky,   

     July 17-19. Lecture: “Cichlids of the Amazon”.

–   AFC – 13e congrès – Vichy, France, October, 1992. Lectures: two. (in French)



     USA, October 30 – November 2, 1992. Lecture: “Lake Victoria Cichlids – long

     term goals of fish conservation genetics”. A slide presentation on the impact

     of the Lake Victoria issue on the local people.

–   SUPREME FESTIVAL OF FISHKEEPING – Weston-super-Mare, England,

     November 6-8, 1992. Lectures: two. Heiko received for his participation and

     lectures a certificate of Appreciation.  


–   3rd  AQUARAMA 93 – Singapore, June 24-27, 1993. Lectures (3): Heiko Bleher   

     did the Keynote speech: “Current Trends in the International Aquatic Trade”;  

     than:”Global Problems and the Aquatic Trade”; and: “The health of fish in transit:

     latest and best packing methods for Intercontinental shippers”.

     Heiko had invited top speakers from around the globe, including the Dr Keith  

     Banister talking on “International Legislation and the Aquatic Trade” and many

     others (see also Fairs & Exhibitions)

–   NANCY AQUARIUM – Nancy, France, September 18-19. Lecture: “Les

     poissons nouveaux en aquariologie depuis 30 ans, succes et échecs.” (in French)  

–   AFC – 14e congrès – Vichy, France, October 9-10, 1993. Lectures: two:   

     Conférence de Heiko Bleher; 2ème conférence de Heiko Bleher. (in French)

–   ANGFA National Convention 93 – Melbourne, Australia, October 1993.  

     Lectures: two.

–   1st. KOREAN DISCUS EXHIBITION & CONFERENCE sponsored by Tetra in  

     Seoul, South Korea. Lectures: Keynote speech and conference talks with slide  

     presentation of Amazonia. Heiko participated by bringing all discus, doing the

     judging and holding the keynote speech and conference talks. (in English)

–   SUPREME FESTIVAL OF FISHKEEPING – Weston-super-Mare, England.

     Lectures: two. Heiko was elected with the Man of The Year Award.

–   PARADI Conference 1993 – FISA –Fisheries Society of Africa – Association   

     pour l’étude de la diversité biologique des poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres

     de l’Afrique – Dakar, Senegal, November, 1993. Lecture: one.  (in English)    


–   AKVARISTA HÉTUÉGE – Budapest, Hungery, March 26-27, 1994. Lectures:

     Díszhalbefogás Pápua Új Guineában and Sügérkülönlegességek (in Hungarian).

–   AQUARIEN-VEREIN RÜDESHEIM 1969 – 25th Anniversary  – Rüdesheim,   

     Germany, April 24, 1994. Lecture: “Aquaristischer Streifzug durch fünf  


–   LÖBBECKE MUSEUM & AQUARIUM – Düsseldorf, Germany, June, 1994.

     Lecture: one. (in German)

–   FISH FEST ’94 (Philippine Ornamental Fish Festival) – Seminar and Workshop  

     on The World Aquarium and Hobby: Status and Potentials  – Manila, Philippines,

     July 9, 1994. Lectures: “The Aquarium Hobby of the World: Past, Present and

     Future,” and “ Aquatic Biotopes in Five Continents: Environment of Fishes and

     Plants in their Natural Habitat.” (in English)

–   ACA – American Cichlid Association National Convention 1994 – San Antonio,  

     Texas, USA, July 15-17, 1994. Lecture: “New Discoveries of Dwarf Cichlids

     from Central and West Africa”.

–   NANCY AQUARIUM – Nancy, France, 1994. Lectures: two. (in French)

–   ROC AMADOUR – Roc Amadour, France, 1994. Lecture: one. Heiko was

     nominated “Chevalier de France et Grande Ordre de Roc-Amadour”. For his

     international contribution to nature and the protection of aquatic habitats. (in  



     Spain, September 26-October 2, 1994. Lectures: “Fishes and their Environment”   

     (in English).

–   ANGFA National Convention 1994 – Brisbane, Australia, October, 22-23, 1994.  

     Lectures: two.

–   AQUARISTICA – Bologna,  Italy, Novermber 6, 1994. Lecture: one. (in Italian)


–   4th. AQUARAMA 95 – Singapore, May 25-28, 1995. Lectures: one conference.

–   DUPLA-SYMPOSION 95 – Bielefeld, Germany, 1995. Lecture: one. (in German)

–   ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM – Duisburg, Germany, September 30- October 03, 1995.

     Lectures: Das Aquarium Hobby – Vergangenheit,  Gegenwart  und Zukunft”

     and “Auf  Fischfang in 5 Kontinenten”. (in German)

–   SUPREME FESTIVAL OF FISHKEEPING – Sandy Bay, Weston-super-Mare,  

     England, November 3-5, 1995. Lectures: two.


     China – Hong Kong, 1995



     China – Guangzhou, 1996


     association – New Orleans, USA, July 25-28, 1996. Lectures: “Discus”.

–   VDA Herbsttagung – Bezirk 18 in Schlütern – Schlütern, Germany, September  

     22, 1996. Lectures: “Expeditionen durch West- und Zentralafrika,  

     Neuentdeckungen”, Verhaltensforschung, Fauna und Flora, Völker und

     Traditionen, sowie Zerstörung der Natur” – devided in two lectures: first West

     Africa and than Central Africa. (in German).


     3-6, 1996. Lecture:” The history of the Discus” (in German and English)

–   VDA- Arbeitskreis Franken – Münchberg in Franken, October 12, 1996.

     Lectures: two.

–   ANGFA – National Convention 1996 – Melbourne, Australia, October 18-20.  

     Lectures: two.


–   WISSENSCHAFTLICHES SEMINAR sponsored by Vitakraft and organized Dr.

     Großheider – Hannover, Germany, March, 1997. Lecture: “Expedition Zaire”.

     (in German)

–   24th. SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft gegr. 1969 durch   

     Horst Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May 3-4, 1997. Lecture: “Einmalige  

     aquatische Fauna und Flora am Guaporé”. (in German)

–   AKZ – Arbeitskreis Zwergcichliden – Saalfeld, Thüringen, May 29-June 1, 1997.

     Lectures: two. (in German)

–   ACA American Cichlid Association National Convention 1997 – Chicago.  

     Lecture:“The Kingdom of Apistogramma species”. For the lectures presented to

     the Apistogramma Study Group Heiko received an award.  

–   NEOTROPICAL FISH CONFERENCE 1997 – Brazil – Porto Alegre, July 1997

–   IX ECI – 9th Congress of European Ichthyologists – Trieste, Italy, August  

     24-30, 1997.

–   AQUARISTICA 1997 – Bologna, September 7, Italy. Lectures: New discoveries.

     And Acuaristica gave Heiko an award: Maestro Acquariologia 1997.

–   RAINBOWFISH ’97 Convention – Rainbowfish Study Group and San

     Francisco Aquarium Society – San Francisco, September 19-21, 1997. Lectures:  

     “The incredible Kamaka and Lakamora Adventure” and “The discovery and  

     collecting of the dwarf neon rainbowfish – the fish of the century”.

–   5th INDO-PACIFIC FISH CONFERENCE – Nouméa, New Caledonia ,  

     November 3-8,1997. Lectures: “Poissons d’Eau Douce et Saumâtre de les ile au  

     tour de Irian Jaya  Indonesie, avec nouvelle distribucion” and “Espèces en danger  

     d’eau douce dont le Indo-Pacific”. (in French).

–   3rd ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 1997 – Duisburg, Germany, October 2-5, 2001.  

     Lecture (in German) 

–   ANGFA National Convention 1997 – Sydney, Australia, October 19-20, 1997.  

     Lectures: two.

–   2° PET FAIR – Feira International de Produtos e Serviços da Linha Pet – 1

     SEMINAQUA – 1. Seminario International de Aquarismos – São Paulo, Brazil,

     December 3-5, 1997. Lecture: “A Historia da Aquariofilia nos ultimos 2.500

     anos”. (in Brazilian-Portuguese)


–   CONFERENCE – Padova, Italy, March, 1998. Lectures: two

–   ANGFA National Convention 1998 – Advancing Australian Aquatics – Brisbane,

     Australia, 1998. Lectures: two.

–   ALTAFEDELITÁ – Centro Pieve – Pieve, Lodi, Italy, October 11, 1998.    

     Lecture: “Viaggi in Amazzonia alla ricerca di specie acquatiche  sconociute”.

     (in Italian)

–   3° PET FAIR – Seminário Internacional de Áquarismo – São Paulo, Brazil,

     Novembro 27. Lectures (5): “Os Peixes na Natureza – Adaptação adequada para    

     aquários comerciais e domésticos”; “História da Aquariofilia”; “Plants Aquáticas  

     – Na Natureza e o seu Cultivo em Áquarios Comerciais e Dómesticos”; “Lojas  

     no mundo – Como funcionam as lojas e Pet Shops – cinco continentes ” and  

     Aquários do Futuro – O futuro da aquariologia no ano 2000”. (in Brazilian-


–   ACA CONVENTION 1998 – Denver, USA. Lectures: two


     1998. Lecture: two

–   TETRA CONFERENCE – Melle, Germany, August, 20, 1998. Lecture: one.

     (in German)

–   2nd INTERNATIONALES DISKUS CHAMPIONAT – Duisburg, Germany, October

     2-4, 1998. Lecture (in German)


–   GAME FAIR TICINO – Centro Esposizioni Lugano – Switzerland, June 18-20,  

     1999. Lectures: “Pesci d’acqua dolce” and “Scoberta di un pesce sega d’acqua

     dolce in un lago del nord Australia” (in Italian)

–   CIKLIDSTÄMMA 1999 – Stockholm, Sweden, March 27-28. Lectures:

     “Reseskildring” and “Sydamerika-Discus” (in English & Swedish).

–   25th. SYMPOSION – Aquaristische Interessengemeinschaft ggr. 1969 durch

     Horst Kipper – Bielefeld, Germany, May 29-30. 1999. Lecture: “Auf Fisch- und

     Pflanzensuche in Zentralasien – mit dem Heikomobil 9.500 km unterwegs um  

     noch nie Gesehens zu zeigen”. (in German)

–   CONFERENCE – London, England, August 1999. Lecture: one.

–   4rd ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 1999 – Duisburg, Germany, October 7-10, 1999.  

     Lecture (in German)  

–   AQUARIENVEREIN WINTERTHUR – Winterthur, Switzerland, November 6,

     1999. Lecture: “Fische aus Neuguinea – Biotope, Fang und Nachzucht”.

     (in  German)

–   MUNDOVIVO – PORTO PET FAIR – Porto, Portugal, November 12, 1999.  

     Lectures: “Nova Guinea Terra do Peixes de Água Dolce mais Bonitos do

     Mundo? Uma viagem atraves um Archipelago spetaculoso – unico no Mundo” .  

     (in Portugues)

–   ZOO ACQUARIO DI IMOLA – Imola, Italy, November 19, 1999. Lectures:  

     “Girando il mondo alla ricerca di animali strani e monstruosi.” (in Italian)


–   VDA-Bezirkstag – Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany, March 11, 2000. Lectures:  

     “Zentralasein, mit dem Heikomobil unterwegs durch Aserbaischan,

     Turkmenistan, Usbekistan und Kasachstan” and “Neuentdeckungen aus aller

     Welt”. (in German)


     September 30-October 3, 2000. Lectures: four. (in German & English)

–   ANGFA CONVENTION 2000 – Melbourne, Australia, October 20-22. Lectures:  

     “Unknown presentation” and “Unknown presentation”.


–   CONFERENCE for Askoll, Italy, January 13, 2001. Seminars. (in Italian)

–   CONFERENCE for Askoll, Italy, February 2, 2001. Seminars. (in Italian)

–   26. AQUARISTISCHES SYMPOSION – Bielefeld, Germany, May 19-20, 2001.

     Lectures: two. (in German)

–   ARBEITSKREIS WASSERPFLANZEN Baden-Würtenberg – Stuttgart,

     Wilhelma, Germany, April 7, 2001. Lecture: one. (in German)

–   6th. INTERNATIONAL FISH CONFERENCE – Durban, South Africa, May  

     20-25. Presentation: one.

–   AQUA-XPO – Largest Aquarium Show on Earth – Hasselt, Belgium, June 7-10,

     2001. Lecture: “Keynote speech about new discoveries and rare fishes shown

     for the first time alive, such as Galaxias zebratus, two new rainbowfishes,

     Glossolepis dorityi and M. misoolensis, to name a few, and much more…”. (in  

     English & French & Flemish)

–   ACA – American Cichlid Association National Convention 2001 – New Jersey,  

     USA, July 12-15, 2001. Lecture: “Late night with Heiko”.


     Republic, September 3-7, 2001.

–   5th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 2001 – Duisburg, Germany, October 3-7, 2001.  

     Lectures: four. (in German)


     2001. Lectures: “Amazzonia: un viaggio alla scoperta dei discus selvatici e loro

     introduzione in acquario”. (in Italian)

–   ANGFA – National Convention 2001 – Adelaide, South Australia, October 20-22,

     2001. Lectures: “The true Melanotaenia misoolensis”; “ The Fish of the

     Millennium” and “Central Asia – Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan”.

–   VDA-Bezirg 11 – Nordbayern – Nürnberg, Germany, November 4, 2001.

     Lecture: one. (in German)


–   CONFERENCE for T.F.H – Newark U.S.A., June 27, 2002.

–   AQUARIEN-VEREIN “Scalare” Münchberg. e.V. – for their 50th anniversary  –  

     Münchberg, Germany, June 15-16, 2002. Lectures: “Expeditionsziel  

     Aquarienfische – Heiko Bleher Italien, zeigt Auszüge von über 700 Expeditionen

     mit Neuentdeckungen in der Pflanzen- und Fischwelt durch 5 Kontinente”.

     (in German)

–   COLORADO AQUARIUM SOCIETY – 55th anniversary show – Arvada,  

     Colorado, USA, June 27-30, 2002. Lectures: “The first 50 years of collecting –  

     Heiko Bleher on field trips through 5 continents discovering/and or bringing back

     into the hobby more than 3,500 fish species” and “Central Asia – the unknown  



      2002. Lectures: “25 years of collecting rainbowfishes and recent discoveries”.

–   4th INTERNATIONALES DISKUS CHAMPIONAT 2002 – Duisburg, Germany,  

     October 3-6, 2002. Lectures: four (in German and English)

–   GAEM (Gruppo Acquariofilo Milanese) – 5°Seminario Nazionale Di  

     Acquariologia  – Milan, Italy, October 13, 2002. Lecture: “ Viaggio alla scoberta

     dei biotopi più remoti: i luoghi, la natura, l’evoluzione”. (in Italian)


–   AQUA-FISCH – Friedrichshafen, Germany, February 27-March 3, 2003.  

     Lectures: four. (in German)

–   AKZ-Jahreshauptversammlung – Dittrichshütte, Germany, June 21,    

     2003. Lecture: one. (in German)

–   F.O.T.A.S. hosted by the HOUSTON AQUARIUM SOCIETY  

     – Houston, Texas, USA, September 12-14. Lectures: two.


     September 18, 2003. Lectures: “The fish of 16 different countries in West and

     Central Africa”.

–   6th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 2003 – Duisburg, Germany, October 2-5, 2003.

     Lectures: “Die Süßwasserfische & Pflanzen der größten Wüste der Erde”;

     “Auf Fischfang & Pflanzensuche durch West- und Zentralafrika”; “Die höchsten  

     & die südlichsten tropischen Fische Afrikas” and “Mozambique – der

     unerforschte Teil Afrikas”. (in German and English)

–   50 Jahre AQUARIENFREUNDE KEMPTEN e.V. – VDA-Bezirkstag , Bezirk 12  

     Kempten, Germany, October 12, 2003. Lectures: “Seltene Cichliden, Salmler  

     und Barben aus Westafrika” and “Fische Mozambiks”. (in German)

–   ARBEITSKREIS WASSERPFLANZEN – 15 Jahre Jubiläumsfeier – October

     25-26, 2003. Lectures: “Guaporé/Iténez – Grenzfluß zwischen Brasilien und

     Bolivien” and “Neuguinea – Wasserpflanzen, Aquatische Habitate, Natur, Völker,

     Traditionen vom anderen Ende der Erdkugel…” (in German)

–   CONFERENCE at ZOOSPHERE – XII International Specialized Exhibition of Goods

     & Services for Pets – St. Petersburg, Russia, November 17-23, 2003. Seminars:

     “The unusual distribution of Symphysodon and its habitats in nature – including a

     new taxonomy of the species”; “Discus breeding around the world”  and “Pet-Trade

     in Europe”. (in English & Russian)


–   AQUA-FISCH – Friedrichshafen, Germany, March 4-7, 2004. Lecture.

–   OPERA & FISH FESTIVAL CONFERENCES – Discus Seminar, Aquarium  

     Plants in nature and in Aquaria – Chernigov, Ucraine, March 26-28, 2004.  

     Organized by AGATIS – Aquarium Complex Systems, Chernihiv. Lectures: four  

     (in Russian)

–   TETRA-CONFERENCE – Gütersloh, Germany, April 21, 2004. Lecture:

     “Faszination Neuguinea – ein Auszug von 33 Forschungs-, Fang- und  

     Sammelreisen quer durch die 2. Größte Insel der Erde…”  (in German)


     Estonia, September 6-10, 2004.

–   5th  INTERNATIONALES DISKUS CHAMPIONAT – Duisburg, September 30-

     October 3, 2004. Lectures: “Neue Taxonomie (Systematik) der Gattung

     Symphysodon” /”New Taxonomy of the genus Symphysodon” and “Die einmalige    

     Verbreitung der Diskus-Arten im Amazonasgebiet – begrenzt auf die Parameter  

     der Gewässer”/”Discus in Amazonia”. (in German and English)

–   ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM – Duisburg, Germany, September 30-October 3,

     2004. Lectures: “Das fantastische Ornamentale Fischfest am Rio Negro – der

     Konkurrenzkampf zwischen Acará-Discus und Cardenal (Roter Neon)”. (in

     German & English)

–   ZOOSPHERE 2004 – St. Petersburg, Russia, November 6-11, 2004.

     Lectures:  two – seminars on discus in nature and breeding.

–   ELODEA – Heppenheim, Germany, November 13, 2004. Lectures: “Amazonas”  

     und “Fische vom 5. Kontinent”.

–   OATA Conference 2004 – Bracknell, Berkshire, England, November 15-16, 2004.  

     Lectures: Keynote speech “The lates freshwater discoveries made by Heiko  

     Bleher  in Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, New Guinea, Moluccas, Mozambique,  

     Cameroon, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan during the last two years” and “Where to

     buy fish”.


–   14. AQUA-FISCH – Friedrichshafen, Germany, March 3-6, 2005. Lectures: four.

–   AALBORG AKVARIEFORENING – Aalborg, Denmark, April 1-3, 2005.

     Lectures: “Fishes of the Desert – crossing the Sahara and discovering fishes,  

     including West Africa countries with the Heikomobile” and “Discus and the latest  


–   ANGFA CONVENTION 2005 – Melbourne, Australia, April 22-24. Lectures:  

     “Voyage and collecting in the Southern Moluccas with new discoveries in 2004”

     and “Heiko´s latest Expedition on God’s Land. Collecting fishes up to 4000 m  

     high in Kyrgyzstan, a land which partly still has not accepted money as form of

     payment and where people stay healthy forever…”

–   IRG (Internationale Gesellschaft für Regenbogenfische e.v. Ländergruppe  

     Österreich) – Neundörfl, Austria, June 5, 2005. Lectures: “Australia – Heiko  

     Bleher führt Sie auf eine Abenteuerliche Expedition nach Cape York, zur

     Erstentdeckung von Iratherina werneri auf dem 5. Kontinent; berichtet über die  

     Entdeckungsgeschichte; zeigt einige der herrlichsten Regenbogen- und sowie  

     andere australische Fischarten; eine Fang- und Sammelreise zu den entlegenen  

     Dalhousie-Springs (900 an der Zahl mitten in australiens Wüste); und führt Sie zu

     (seiner) größten Süßwasser-Fisch-Entdeckung im 20. Jahrhundert (laut Guiness  

     Buch der Rekorde 1987)”; “Amazonien – kaum ein (Süßwasser-Fisch)Forscher  

     hat Amazonien so oft bereist wie Bleher. Gerade von seiner 315. Expedition  

     zurück mit erneut – wie jedesmal – neu entdeckten Arten , zeigt er einen  

     Ausschnitt seiner Reisen; berichtet über Flüsse, Seen, Land und Leute, Flora und  

     Fauna; bringt Eindrücke seiner ersten und seiner letzten Expedition, sowie  

     Höhepunkte und  Schwierigkeiten in die endlegensten Gebiete vorzudringen; und  

     etwas Geschichte” ; und “New Guinea”– Auf der 2. Größten Insel und sicher

     immer noch dem unerforschtesten Gebiet der Erde, führt Sie Bleher auf eine

     einmalige Entdeckungsreise durch unberührte Natur; zu Stämmen die heute noch  

     wie vor Jahrtausenden leben und Kämpfen; zeigt eine zum Teil bisher noch nie

     gesehene Tier- und Pflanzenwelt; die schwierigkeiten Regenbogenfisch-Juwelen  

     heraus zu  bringen. Dabei kommen die “highlights” und die “Tiefen” dieser  

     gefahrenvollen Expeditionen genausowenig zu kurz, wie die farbenprächtigen  

     entdeckten Fische, noch die Geschichte dieser einmaligen Insel”. (in German)


     October 7, 2005. Lectures: “Discus” and “New Guinea”.

–   8. ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM – Duisburg, Germany, September 30-October 3,

     2005. Lecture

–   SIZOO 2005 – Barcelona, Spain, October 6-10. Lectures: “Discus”. (in Spanish)

–   ZOOSPHERE 2005 – St. Petersburg, Russia, November 23-26, 2005. Lectures:

     “Aquarium shops around the world” and seminar on “How to decorate and

     maintain a petshop the correct way”. (in English & Russian)


–   15. AQUA-FISCH – Friedrichshafen, Germany, March 2-5, 2006. Lecture

–   PETFIL – Lisbon, Portugal, September  2006. Lectures: four. (in Portugues)

–   NADA – ACA American Cichlid Association National Convention 2006 –

     lecture for NADA – Chicago, USA, July 21-23, 2006. Lecture: “New Taxonomy

     of the genus Symphysodon”.

–   DHP-WORLD SHOWS – Duisburg, Germany, September 30th, 2006 at 12:00-

      13:00. Interview.


     AQUARIUM – Duisburg, Germany, September 30-October 3, 2006. Lectures:

     “Discus feeding in nature” and “Why are there 3 Discus strains in nature”.

–   DISCUS FORUMS 2006 – Duisburg, Germany, October 2 at 16:30. Interview by

     Fons van der Hart. (in German & English)

–   F.O.T.A.S. hosted by the HOUSTON AQUARIUM SOCIETY – Houston, Texas,  

     USA, October 20-22. Lectures: two.

–   3rd. OATA CONFERENCE 2006 – Coventry, England, November 13-14, 2006.   

     Lectures: Keynote speaker and two lectures: “Fishes around the world I” and

     “Fishes around the world II”.

–   AQUA FAIR – November 19-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lectures: Keynote

      speech and seminar: “History of Discus breeding”. (in English)

–   TETRA WORLD DISCUS CHAMPIONSHIP – November 24-26, Singapore.  

     Lecture: “The history of Discus taxonomy and the new taxonomy of 3 good



–   AQUA-FISCH 2007 – Friedrichshafen, Germany, March 1-4, 2007. Lectures:  

     Four. (in German)

–   ZOOVETEXPO 2007 – April 26-28. Kiev, Ukraine. Seminars by Heiko Bleher  

     April 26 at 10:00-11:00 and 12:00-16:15: “The developments of the pet market in   

     European countries”; “Aquarium fishes (and plants) in wild nature; their vital

     activity features and keeping peculiarities in the pet shop condition. Proposals for

     customers”; and on April 27 at 10:00-11:00 and 12:00-16:15: “Past, present and

     future of the Aquarium hobby” and “Dwarf cichlids in South America and in

     Africa and their keeping in aquaria”. (in English & Russian)

–   BOLLMORA AKVARIEKLUBB – Hanigne, Sweden, April 28-30, 2007.   

     Lectures: “The history of discovery of the discus and it’s species” and “West-

     Africa Expedition with its unique fishes and unknown tribes people”.

–   PET FAIR – 10th International Fair of Pet Shop Merchandise – Lodz, Poland, June

     1-3. Lecture: “The positive development of the pet market in European  

     Countries”. (in English)

     SYMPOZJUM AKWARYSTOW 2007 – Lodz, Poland, June 2, 2007. Lecture:  

     “Natural Biotopes of fishes and plants and how to apply this best to the aquarium,  

     in poet shops and to the home aquarium. 


–   ANGFA – Convention 2007 – Darwin, Australia, June 8-10, 2007. Lecture: Kai &

     Aru Islands – discoveries and conservation?”.

–   EIN HERZ FÜR TIERE – München, Germany, July 2007. Interview: “Der Mann

     mit dem Abenteuer-Gen”. (in German)

–   XII EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ICHTHYOLOGY – Cavtat (Dubrovnik), Croatia,

     September 9-13, 2007. Lecture: “Lake Aral – 148 freshwater fish species extinct

     – immediate need for conservation of surrounding habitats”. (in English)

–   SIZOO 2007 – Barcelona, Spain, September 20-23, 2007, Palacio de Congreso.

     Lecture: “El hábitat de los peces disco”. (in Spanish)

–   SALENTO ACQUARI 2007 – Lecce, Italy, Setembro 27-30, 2007.

     Lectures: two. (in Italian)

–   10th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 2007 – 11. Cichliden Tage – Duisburg,

     Germany, October 3-7, 2007. Lectures: “Aru und Kai Inseln – Heiko Bleher

     entdeckte wiedereinmal neue Regenbogenfische, Blauaugen und Grundeln…”

     und “West-Afrika Buntbarsche – Heiko Bleher bringt eine Zusammenfassung in

     West- und Zentralafrika der letzten 4-Jahrzehnte der Entdeckungen”

     (in German and English)

–   HEIKO BLEHER TAG – Regionalgruppe Sachsen-Anhalt-Thüringen der

     Internationalen Gesellschaft für Regenbogenfische (IRG), Leipzig, Leipziger Zoo,

     Germany, October 13, 2007. Lectures: “Meine Exkursionen durch Amazonien”;

     “Mit dem Heikomobil durch Westafrika” and “Fische und Pflanzen Neuguineas”.

     (in German)

–   2° Edizione PASSIONE DISCUS – e sera sponsor – Villa Bottaro

     a Silvano d’Orba (Alessandria), Italy, November 11, 2007 – 9:30. Lectures: two.

–   ZOOSPERE 2007 – St. Petersburg, Russia, November 14-17, 2007. Lectures: open.

–   NIDAL REZEQ – seminars, Athens , Greece, December 7-11, 2007. Seminars

     & Lectures: eight.


–   Lecture at DISCUS CONTEST 2008 – Saitama, Japan, April 19-20, 2008. Lecture

     The history and classification of the genus Symphysodon Heckel, 1840.

–   Lectures at FISU 2008 – Finland, Helsinki, April 26-27, 2008. Lectures: Discus

     and angelfishes and their best tank mates and Rare and fascinating fishes from

     Southern India.

–   2nd POLISH DISCUS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Cracow, Poland, June 5-8, 2008.

     Lectures sponsored by TROPICAL: Discus and Angelfishes and their tank mates

     and Expedition to Rio Aracá 2007 and discovery of the new species in this

     unexplored region.


     Antipa” – Bukarest, Romania, June 13-15, 2008. 8 Seminars: Discus and

     angelfishes and their best tank mates; Wild discus vs. tank breed discus (same

     for angelfishes and others); Aquarium plants and fishes – what is best?;

     Suggestions for authentic biotope aquariums; Central and South American

     Dwarf cichlids; Amazon region report – giant deforestation for Soya-plantations,

     cattle ranching (in both Brazil is now the largest global producer) – updated to 2007.

–   ASIH Congress – Canada, Montreal, July 24-28, 2008. Oral presentation: The

     Genus Symphysodon Heckel, 1840 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) and how its three

     species can be defined from their habitat and chemical water parameters, better

     than from their molecular or morphological characters 

–   Lectures for the CAOAC and the Durham Region Aquarium Society – Canada,

     Toronto, July 26, 2008. Lectures: Discus (and their best tank mates) and The search

     for the rainbowfish of Lake Wanam. 

–   International Symposium on Freshwater Stingray Biology – Chicago, USA,

     August 6-9, 2008. Lectures: The Freshwater Stingrays of Africa, Indochina, and

     Australasia; and Habitats and Varieties of Freshwater Stingrays in South America

     and Breeding of Freshwater Stingrays in Russia. (cancelled)

–   AQUA FESTIVAL 2008 – including 3rd. Championships of Czech Discus Breeders

     and 2nd Czech Angelfish Championships – Czech Republic, in Česká Líp,

     August 29 – September 3, 2008. Lectures: open. (cancelled) 

–   Fourth International Conference of Pan African Fish and Fisheries Association –

     African Fish and Fisheries: Diversity and Utilization – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

     September 22-26, 2008. Oral representations. (cancelled)

–   7. INTERNATIONAL DISCUS CHAMPIONSHIP – Germany, Duisburg, October

     2-5, 2008. 4 Lectures: The myth about the Rio Madeira discus fish distribution (2),

     and The Aracá Expedition – Amazonia (2).  

–   UK Discus Association Championships 2008 – Hayling Island, Hampshire, UK,

     October 10-11, 2008. Lectures: open. (cancelled)


     October, 2008. Lectures: Fishes of the Western Ghats.

–   SHAQUARIA 2008 – Shanghai International Ornamental Fish and Fishing

     Exhibition, China, Shanghai, October 24-26, 2008. Lectures: Past, Present and

     Future of the Aquarium Hobby.

     See also: Shanghai Ocean University and Aquaria 2008   

–   CIPS – 12. China International Pet Show – China, Beijing, November 6-9, 2008.

     Lectures: open. (cancelled)

–   ZOOSPHERE 2008 – Russia, St. Petersburg, November 19-22, 2008.

     Lectures: open. (cancelled)

–   2nd AQUA FAIR – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 20-23, 2008.

     Lectures: Present and Future of the Aquarium Hobby and Biotope Aquariums.


–   INDAQUA 2009 – India, Chennai, January 21-23, 2009. Lectures: open (cancelled). 

   INDAQUARIA 2009 – India, Kolkatta, February 18-20, 2009. Lectures: How to

     stimulate interest in fishes from India (1) and Indian Fishes with a Great Potential

     for Export Worldwide and how to Market them Adequately (1). 

–   AQUARIYA EXPO 2009 – The United Arab Emirates, Dubai. Crowne Plaza,

     March 4-6, 2009. Lectures: Future of the Ornamental Fish Hobby Worldwide.

–   LECTURE IN ISTANBUL – Turkey, Istanbul, April 18-19, 2009. The Company

     Tropical from Poland and their representative for Turkey have invited Heiko

     Bleher for several seminars during 2 days to be hold for petshop owner & aquarists.

     Seminars: 1. Biotope aquariums and how to do them, correctly to nature.

     2. Aquatic plants in nature and in aquaria. 3. Discus in nature – distribution,

     habitats, collecting and nutrition. 4. Biotope aquariums and how to do them,

     correctly to nature. 5. Cichlids and discoveries in West and central Africa.

     6. Expeditions to Central Asia with some similar aquatic habitats as in Turkey.

–   SEMINAR IN ATHENS – Greece, Athens, April 24-26, 2009. Nidal Rezeq has

     invited Heiko Bleher again for seminars in Athens, like in December 2007.

     Please contact Nidal Rezeq: [email protected] for further informations. 

     Seminars: 1. Expeditions across West and Central Africa with new cichlids and

     unique habitats including. 2. Discoveries in the upper Jutaí river in 2008 with the

     collection of 400 green discus and other fishes. 3. Central Asia discoveries – with

     the Heikomobile across the little known countries collecting amazing fishes – a result

     from over 10 expeditions. 4. Natural biotopes of fishes and plants and how to apply

     this best to the aquarium. 5. Collecting and discoveries in South America – with

     highlights of new aquarium fishes and plants during the last 50plus years of

     research by Heiko Bleher. 6. Geophagine cichlids – their history, distribution,

     genera and a species account including their mates and how to keep them

     best in aquaria. 7. Discus nutrition in nature and suggestions how to apply

     nature’s nutrition best to the discus in captivity.

–   AKVARIE KLUBB IN OSLO – Norway, Oslo, April 30-May 3, 2009. Lectures:

     1. Sierra Leone and Guinea in search for new cichlids & killis. 2. Something special

     on the Discus. 3. The Rift lakes of Ethiopia.

–   PET FAIR LODZ 2009 – Poland, Lodz, May 08-10, 2009. Lectures: New Guinea

     and the rainbowfishes.

–   CAOAC Convention – 50th anniversary – Canada, London, Ontario,

     May 14-17, 2009. Lectures: 1. Geophagus & Dwarf Cichlids. 2. Northeastern

     India Expedition (2009). 3. Newly Discovered South American Cichlids.

     Also: Biotope Competition and some (3) biotopes set up by Heiko Bleher.

–   11th AQUARAMA 2009 – Singapore, May 28-31, 2009.

–   8th INDO-PACIFIC FISH CONFERENCE – Fremantle,  Western Australia,

     31 May-5 June, 2009. Presentation: open. (Abstract not arrived in time).

–   PERTH CICHLID SOCIETY – Australia, Western Australia, Perth, June 2, 2009.

     Lectures: 1. Expeditions of the Amazon – This included 3-4 (short) photo-essays

     of over 330 expeditions Heiko Bleher made throughout Amazonia highlighting at

     least one expedition of each of the 3 known Symphysodon species. 2. Discus –

     their history of discovery (including the true discoverer of the Amazon), distribution,

     habitats, water parameters, mates and nutrition in nature. 3. There will also be

     some information on natural hybrids and his latest discoveries in 2008.

–   ASIH Congress – Joint Meeting – USA, Portland, Oregon, Hilton

     Portland & Executie Tower, July 22-27 2009. Oral Presentation (cancelled) 

–   COAST Fish Club  – U.S.A., Costa Mesa, Los Angeles, August 2, 2009. The event

     took place from noon to 6 PM at the COSTA MESA NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY

     CENTER, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa California. The 3 Lectures were:

     1. Natural biotopes of fishes in nature around the world and how to apply it

     best to aquaria. 2. Characins in the wild and their captive husbandry and

     breeding. 3. Heiko’s most recent discoveries. Also visit:


     72  Sienna Ridge, Misson Viejo, August 1st, 2009. Lecture: New Guinea –

     expeditions and discoveries – a resume from 37 field trips to the second largest

     Island on Earth.

–   IRG (Internationale Gesellschaft für Regenbogenfische e.v. Ländergruppe

     Österreich) – Neundörfl, Austria, August 30, 2009. Lectures (3): 1. Der

     Aru-Archipelago und die unglaublichen Zusammenhänge in der

     Evolutionsgeschichte der Regenbogenfische und Blau-Augen Australasiens,

     einschließlich der Neuentdeckungen aus 2008 und 2009 von Heiko Bleher –

     sowie Resultate und Widersprüche der DNA-Forschungen verschiedener

     Regenbogenfischarten. 2. Süd- und Ostkamerun, heute. Neu Endeckungen in

     bisher unerforschter Region, Auszüge aus 2 rezenten Expeditionen mit

     fantastischen Cichliden, Salmlern und Welse, Flora und Fauna der Aktualität

     und wie es in der Zukunft in dieser wenig erforschten Region aussehen wird –

     einschließlich der Pygmäen und Waldgorillas. 3. Die Regenbogenfische und

     Blauaugen der Vogelkop-Peninsula und die Entdeckungsexpeditionen der

     Arten wie Melanotaenia irianjayae, M. fredericki, M. boesemani (Ayamaru und

     Aytinjo Populationen), M. anfa u. M. parva, M. arfakensis, Ps. reticulata,

     Ps. cyanodorsalis, etc. – Ausschnitte verschiedener Expeditionen und mögliche

     zukünftige Entdeckungen. Also visit your web site:


     17-20, 2009. Lectures (2): 1. Diskusfang im oberen Jutai und wie man 400 Gruene

     Diskus auf einmal faengt. Ein Auszug aus Heiko Blehers letzter Fang- und

     Sammelreise in Amazonien im August 2008 mit vielen Neuentdeckungen.
     2. Die Varianten von Pterophyllum in der Natur und die Richtigstellung was ein

     Pterophyllum altum ist – ein oft verwechselter Faktor. Mit dem Nachweis, dass bis

     heute noch niemand den von Pellegrin 1904 beschriebenen P. altum erfolgreich

     gezuechtet hat.

–   LECTURES IN IRAN – Iran, Shiraz, September 7, 2009. Lectures (2): Collecting

     400 Green Discus August 2008 & New Guinea – discoveries on the 2nd largest

     island on Earth

–   XIII European Congress of Ichthyology – Lithuania, Klaipede, September 6-11,

     2009. Presentation. (cancelled).

–   ANGFA Convention 2009 – Australia, Sydney, September 11-13, 2009.

     Lectures. (cancelled).

–   SIZOO – Spain, Barcelona, October 1-4, 2009, 2009. Lectures. (cancelled)

–   12th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM 2009 – Germany, Duisburg,

     October 1-4, 2009. Lectures (2): 1. Collecting in the Rio Jutaí – where no one

     collected before. 2. Geophagine Cichlids, their history, taxonomy,

     distribution & habitats, including suggestions of how to keep them in aquaria

     according to nature.

–   1st INTERNATIONALE CICHLIDENTAGE 2009 – Germany, Duisburg,

     October 1-4, 2009. Lectures (2): 1. Collecting in the Rio Jutaí – where no

     one collected before. 2. Geophagine Cichlids, their history, taxonomy,

     distribution & habitats, including suggestions of how to keep them in

     aquaria according to nature.


     October 15th, 2009. Seminars (2): Amazonia – Expedition Jutaí & New Guinea


–   SHAQUARIA 2009 – Shanghai International Ornamental Fish and Fishing

     Exhibition, China, Shanghai International Agricultural Exhibition Center.

     No. 2268 Hongqiao Road, October 16-18, 2009. Lectures: Discus in nature,

     taxonomy, distribution, habitats, nutrition and how to keep wild discus in aquaria. 

–   FISHBASE SYMPOSIUM 2009 – Hajar – Sweden, Stockholm, Stora Hörsalen,

     Naturhistorika  riksmuseet,  Lecture: Sawfishes.


     Philippines, Manila, 14 November 2009. Lecture: Field trip and aquatic research

     in the Sierra Madre.

–   The 2. National Discus Competition & Aquafiesta 2009 – Philippines,

     Manila, 18-22 November 2009. Lectures: 1. Aquarium Fish Trade & Trends, Past,

     Present & Future; 2. Aquatic Plants in Nature and in the Aquarium; 3. The

     Importance of Maintaining an Ecological Balance – Preserving Nature. 


–   INDAQUARIA 2010 – Chennai, India, January, 8-10, 2010. Lectures:

     1. Northeastern India Expedition 2009; 2. How to stimulate interest around

     the world to buy ornamental tank breed and native fishes from India; 3. How to

     breed Puntius denisonii.  

–   ZOORUSSIA 2010 – Moscow, Russia, Crocus Expo, 2nd Pavilion, Hall 5,

     February 18-21, 2010. Lectures & Seminars: open (cancelled).


     Shiraz, 23-24 February, 2010.  10 Seminars: 1st. day: Past, Present

     and Future of the Aquarium Hobby world-wide; DISCUS – their history

     of  discovery, taxonomy, distribution and chemical water parameters in

     nature; Discus biotopes, collecting & nutrition in nature; Wild Discus vs.

     tank breed Discus: How to prevent diseases, How to feed them

     correctly & Advice on how & what to buy; 2nd. day: Natural Biotopes

     of fishes in nature around the world; Aquarium plants in nature and in

     the aquarium; Some advice for Aquarium Shops; Breeding establishments

     of freshwater fishes; Breeding of Marine Fishes – TMC; Hong Kong & China

     aquarium shops today as examples.   

–   CI event tentatively with the participation of the UN Secretary – Los Angeles,

     California, USA, February 25th, 2010. Lectures: open (moved forward).

–   AQUARYIA 2010 – The United Arab Emirates, Dubai. March 12-14, 2010.

     Lectures: open (cancelled).

–   EXPLORER’S CLUB – U.S.A., New York, March 19-21, 2010. Lectures:


–   Global Pet Expo – U.S.A., Florida, Orlando, Orange County Convention Center,

     March 25 – 27, 2010. Lectures: open (cancelled).

–   SALENTO ACQUARI – MEDITERRANEA DISCUS 2010 – Italy, Lecce, Circolo

     Cittadino (Centro Storico), in via Francesco Rubichi 25, a circa 50 metri dalla

     centralissima Piazza Sant’Oronzo, 16-18 April, 2010. Lectures: open

–   NADA International Discus Championships – U.S.A., Houston, Texas,

     June 11-13, 2010. Lectures: open (cancelled).


     September 10th in Nagoya for Students of NCA (a vocal collage of aqua);

     September 11th in Nagoya open for public; September 12th in Tokyo, open for

     public. Seminars on the topics of: Amazon story; collecting method of fish

     in Amazon; lifestyle of fish of Amazon.

–   NAPOLI AQUATICA 2010 – Italy, Naples, Centro Comerciale Jambo1,

     September 24-25-26, 2010. Lectures (3): Wild Discus vs. Tank Breed Discus

     Problems & Solutions; Discus in Nature & in Aquaria – where they come from

     and how to keep them best; Discus nutrition.


     September 30-October 3, 2010. Lectures: Am 1. und 3. Tag jeweils um 12:00

     und 11:00 in Deutsch: Entdeckung neuer Grüner Discus Varianten und neuer

     Skalare im Apaporis; in English: day 1 and 3 at 12:00 and 11:00 respectively: 

     Discovery of a new Green Discus and new angelfish in the Apaporis.

–   13th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM – Germany, Duisburg, September 30-

     October 3, 2010. Lectures: Am den 2. und 4. Tag jeweils um 14:00 und 12:00,

     in Deutsch: Potamotrygonidae – Rochen, Partner von Discus mit neuen

     Erkenntnissen; in English: on the 2nd and 4th day at 14:00 and 12:00

     respectively: Freshwater Stingrays – mates of Discus and other fishes with

     new Discoveries.

–   LECTURES AT THE AK-DISKUS – Germany, Recklinghausen, October 09,

     2010. Lectures: open (cancelled).

–   TROPICAL ACQUARIUM – Italy, Cagliari, October 10, 2010. Seminars: Past,

     Present & Future of the Aquarium Fish hobby; Nature biotopes of aquarium

     fishes and how to apply best to aquaria; Biotopes of aquarium plants and

     their history; DISCUS – history, distribution, habitats & nutrition, in nature

     and in aquaria, including tank breed vs. wild discus (in Italiano).

–   SHAQUARIA 2010 – Shanghai International Ornamental Fish and Fishing

     Exhibition, China, Shanghai International Agricultural Exhibition Center.

     No. 2268 Hongqiao Road, October 15-17, 2010. Lectures: open.


     d’Haigne“ Place Roi Baudouin 5 à 7170 Bois d’Haine (Manage),

     November 12, 2010. Lectures: 9h45: A la recherche de discus dans les

     affluents d’eau noire du nord de l’Amazone: Nhamundá, Jatapu, Urubu

     et le Rio Negro; 21h00: Iranocichla, une espèce unique de cichlidé

     originaire d’Iran.  

–   AQUAFAIR 2010 –  Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, November 25-28, 2010.

     Lectures: cancelled.

–   DCS 2nd International Discus Show Singapore 2010 – Singapore, East

     Point Mall. November 29 – December 5, 2010. Lectures.


–   ASIAN PACIFIC AQUACULTURE 2011 – India, Cochin, Le Méridien

     Cochin Resort & Convention Centre, January 17-21, 2011. Lectures: cancelled.

–   5th India International Pet Trade Fair (IIPTF) – India, New Delhi, 21-23

     January, 2011 at the NSIC Bhawan, New Delhi, the 5th edition of the fair

     will harbour 150 stalls and span 7,000 sq ft. Lectures: cancelled.

–   INDAQUARIA 2011 – India, Chennai, 6-8 February 2011 at Chennai Trade

     Centre, Chennai. Lectures: cancelled.

–   CONCURSOS PEZ DISCOS – Spain, Madrid, 12-13 March, 2011.  

–   GLOBAL PET EXPO – USA, Orlando Orange County Convention

     Center, March 16-18, 2011. Lectures: cancelled.

–   VIVARIUM 2011 – Netherlands, Homeboxx Nieuwegein, March 26-27,

     2011. Lectures: cancelled.

–   9th ASIAN FISHERIES & Aquaculture Forum – China, Shanghai,

     Shanghai Ocean University, April 21-25, 2011. They have a very nice



     HYDROPHYT by Heiko Bleher – Iran, Shiraz, 1-3 May, 2011.

     Seminars: Aquatic Plants; Cichlidae; Discus; New Fishes; Ways to

     save money with the  Aquarium hobby; The Search for Iranocichla;

     Freshwater Sawfishes; Heiko’s recent discoveries; Congo;

     South Cameroon.

–   PETFish 2011 and 4th PDS National Discus Competition –.Philippines,

     Manila, May 5-8th, 2011. Lectures: Some of Heiko’s recent discoveries;

     Bleher’s Discus volume 2.

–   CAOAC 2011 CONVENTION – Canada, Brantford, Ontario May 20-23

     at the Best Western (Brant Park Inn). Lectures: cancelled.


     Indonesia, Jakarta, May 20-21, 2011. Lectures & Seminars: Discus &

     Angelfish in the wild and their best tank mates; Wild Discus vs. tank

     breed Discus: How to prevent diseases, How to feed them correctly &

     Advice on how & what to buy; Rio Apaporis Discoveries; Fishes of

     Indonesia and New Guinea. 

–   AQUARAMA 2011 – The 12th International Aquarium Fish and

     Accessories  Exhibition. Incorporating, PET ASIA 2011. Singapore,

     Suntec City, 26-29 May, 2011. Lectures: cancelled.

–   PERTH CICHLID SOCIETY – Australia, Perth, May 30th, 2011.

     Lectures: Rare and fascinating fishes from Rio Apaporis;

     Rio Atabapo discoveries.

–   ANGFA WESTERN AUSTRALIA – Australia, Perth, May 31st, 2011.

     Lectures: Aru-Archipelago; Rainbowfishes and Blue-eyes of the


–   LECTURE AT AQUARIUM INDUSTRY  – Australia, Melbourne, June 3, 2011.

     Lecture: 1

–   ASIH – Annual Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists – USA –

     Minneapolis, Minnesota, at the Hilton  Minneapolis, 1001 Marquette

     Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55403, 6-11 July, 2011. Lectures: cancelled.

–   ACA CONVENTION 2011 – USA, Washington D.C., July 21-24, 2011.

–   NAPOLIAQUATICA – 2nd International Italian Discus Championships –

     Italy, Naples, September 23-25, 2011. Lectures: open.

–   3rd POLISH DISCUS CHAMPIONSHIPS – Poland, Warsaw, September

     30 – October 3, 2011. Lectures: cancelled. 

–   14th ZIERFISCHE & AQUARIUM – Germany, Duisburg, September 30 –

     October 3. Lectures: Die Cichliden vom indischen Subkontinent und ihre

     nahe Verwandten.


     Germany,  Duisburg, September 30 – October 3, 2011. Lectures: Die

     Cichliden vom Rio Atabapo – mit Neuentdeckungen in 2011.

–   SHAQUARIA 2011 – Shanghai International Ornamental Fish and

     Fishing  Exhibition, China, Shanghai International Agricultural

     Exhibition Center.
 No. 2268 Hongqiao Road, October, 2010.

     LecturesSTICA 2011 – Italy, Bologna, 15-16 October, 2011.

     Semina: open

–   AQUARISTICA 2011 – Italy, Bologna, 15-16 October, 2011.

–   ANGFA National Convention 2011 – Australia, Brisbane, October 21-23,

     2011. Lectures: 2-3

–   DISKUS CHAMPIONAT – Discus Club Holland – Netherland,

     Sportcentrum Helsdingen’t Slijk 1, 4133 EA Vianen, October 22-23,

     2011. Lectures: cancelled.


     November 4-6, 2011. Lectures: open.

–   AQUATICS LIVE 2011 – England – London, London Olympia,

     19-20 November, 2011. Lectures & Seminars: 4.


–   DISCUS DAY 2012 – Italy, Genova, 22 January, 2012. Lectures: 1.

–   FIDO – Discus Championships of the Spanish Forum Pez Disco –

     Spain, Madrid, 3 March, 2012. Lectures: cancelled.

–   Lectures in Budapest – AQUAEXPO 2012 – Hungeria, Budapest, 

     31st March – 1st April, 2012. Lectures: 4.

–   SEMINARS IN MALTA – Malta – 9 June, 2012. Seminars: 2

–   MEETING ZOOMEGASTORE – Milano – 15 June, 2012: Seminar: 1 

–   NADA2012 – USA, Atlanta, 22-24 June, 2012. Lectures: cancelled.


     Guadalajara, 27-29 June, 2012. Seminars: 5.

–   ECI – XIV European Congress of Ichthyology – July 3 –8, 2012 –

     University of Liège, Belgium.

–   ACA-Convention 2012 – USA, Indianapolis, 11-15 July, 2012.

     Lectures: open.

–   10th International Congress on the Biology of Fish – July 15-19 2012 –

     University of Wisconsin – Madison,  Wisconsin, USA .

–   ASIH Annual Meetings – Canada – Vancouver, British Colombia,

     8-14 August, 2012.

–   OFI Practical Training – Singapore, Singapore, 17-20 September 2012.


     Germany, Dortmund, 28-30 September, 2012. Lectures: cancelled.


     CHAMPIONSHIP Greece, Athens, 5-7 September, 2012.

     Seminars: open

–   SEMINARS IN SAINT PETERSBURG – Russia, Saint Petersburg,

     11-14.10.2012. Seminars: 3


     U.S.A., Dullas,  Virginia, October 17-21, 2012. Lectures: 4.

–   UK DISCUS ASSOCIATION – England, Weston-Super-Mare, 26-28th

     October, 2012. Sand Bay Leisure Resort, Beach Road, Kewstoke

     North Somerset BS22 9UR

–   ACQUARIO NATURA – Italy, Bergamo, 27 October-4 November, 2012.

     Seminars: open. 

–   AQUATICS LIVE 2012 – England, London, 10-11 November, 2012.

     Lectures: 4.

–   5° CORSO DE ACUARIOLOGIA – Italy, Cesena, November 18,

     2012. Seminars: 2

–   SEMINAR in the UCRAINE – Ucraine, Kiev, 30 November –

     3 December, 2012. Seminars: 2


–   FIDO – CONCORSO DE PEZ DISCO – Spain, Madrid, 8-10 March 2013

     Lectures: Colectando Discus Verdes en el Rio Putumayo; La Cria de

     Discus en Cautividad; Nueva taxonomia de Discus.

–   PROPET – Pet Industry Trade Fair – Spain, Madrid, at Fiera de Madrid,

     7-9 March, 2013. 

–   AQUARAMA 2013 – Singapore, 30 May – 2 June 2013.

–   MAXI ZOO IRELAND 2013 – Ireland, Leopardstown 15 June 2013.

     Lecture 2: How Fishes live in nature; Jufaris Biotope Aquarium.

    Plus workshop – decorated 3 biotope aquariums during seminars.

–   MEXICOPETEXPO 2013 – Mexico, Guadalajara, 26-28 June 2013.

     Lectures & Biotope Aquarium Workshop: Parámetros correctos

     del agua para peces disco”; „Aclimatación correcta de nuevos discos

     en el acuario“; „Enfermedades mas comunes de los discos y como

     evitarlas“; „Campeonatos de discos en todo el mundo”.

–   The 9th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference – Japan, Okinawa, 24-28 June,

     2013. Okinawa Convention Center.

–   ASIH 2013 – Meeting of American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists

     USA, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 10-15 July, 2013. 

–   ACA 2013 – USA, Denver, 18-21 July.

–   NAPOLIAQUATICA 2013 – Italy, Napoli, 27-29 September, 2013.

–   AkTer FEST 2013 – Croatia, Zagreb, 1-6. October, 2013.

     Seminars: 5 October: 10:00: Heiko Bleher’s 50 years of discoveries;

     14:00: Aquarium plants and fishes; 16:00: The Bettas – history, distribution

     and new findings. 6 October: Wild discus vs. tank breed discus;

     14:00: The Rio Xingu – past and present.

–   ANGFA National Convention 2013 – Australia, Melbourne, Ciloms Aiport

     Lodge, 398 Melrose Drive, Tullamarine, Victoria, 3043, 11-13 October 2013.

     Lectures: Aru Archipelago: New Rainbowfish & Blue-eye Discoveries;

     Biotope Aquariums as in Nature – with accent of Rainbowfish-biotopes..

–   LIVING REEF AQUARIUMS – Australia, Gold Coast, 15 June, 2014. Lectures & Biotope

     Aquarium for Discus Workshop. Lectures 2: Bleher’s Biotopes; Discus in the Rio Apaporis.


     WITH HEIKO BLEHER – Iran, Shiraz,  8 November, 2014. Lectures: 4

–   THE AQUATIC EXPERIENCE CHICAGO 2013 – USA, Chicago, 15-17 November 2013.

     Lectures 2: 50 years of discoveries with a few of the nearly 7000 species he introduced

     into the most beautiful and educational hobby – including his recent (2012) finding of Blue

     and Green Discus; How to keep Discus correctly – The frequent errors done with discus

     fishes and how easy it is to keep them – if certain rules are followed.

–   AQUATIC LIVE 2013 – England, London Olympia Hall, 16-17

     November 2013. (Cancelled)

–   3. Internationalen L-Wels- Tage – Germany, Hannover, 22-24 November,

     2013. Cancelled.


     30 November – 1 December, 2013. Lectures 30 November: Aquarium plants

     and fishes – what is best?; Suggestions for authentic biotope – aquariums;

     How fishes (and plants) live in nature and what is the best way to acclimatize 

     and keep them in the aquarium – new and easy methods. Lectures 1 December:

     How to attract customers and promote the most beautiful hobby in the world;

    True aquatic plants were and how they grow and the best way to grow them –

    in aquariums; Wild discus vs. tank breed discus (same for angelfishes and others);

    Problem fishes – what to buy, how to keep and promote them correctly, which

    species to avoid and those which are banned (prohibited to buy).


–   Lectures at KUDA – Italy, Lodi, 30 March, 2014. Lectures 2: PETSHOP:

     Gli errori e le transcuratezze; Acquari Biotopi.

–   2. Klimahaus-Kongress „Süßwasser-Aquaristik“ – Germany, Bremerhaven,

     26-27 April, 2014. Lecures:

     1. Vortrag „Die weltweite Zerstörung aquatischer Lebensräume – das biotopgerechte

         Aquarium als effektiver Beitrag zur Arterhaltung“ Dauer: 75 min.: 1. Teil 30 min.,

         Pause von 15 min.; 2. Teil 30 min. + 15 min. Am 26.04.14: ca. 11:00 Uhr

     2. Vortrag „Die Entdeckungen des Heiko Bleher – 50 Jahre Expeditionen um die Welt“ 

         Dauer: 90 min.: 1. Teil 45 min., Pause von 15 min., 2. Teil 30 min. + 15 min.

         Am 27.04.14: ca. 9:30 Uhr

–   MEXICOPETEXPO 2014 – Mexico, Guadalajara, 27-29 June, 2014. Cancelled

–   ASIH 2014 – Meeting ofAmerican Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists

     USA, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 30 July – 3 August, 2014.

–   AkTer Fest 2014 – Croatia, Zagreb, 2-5 October, 2014. Lectures: 2

–   BEST of DISCUS – 2nd East Merditerranean Championship – Greece, Athens,

     10-12 October, 2014. Cancelled

–   SHAQUARIA 2014 – China, Shanghai, 10-12 October, 2014. Cancelled

–   PET FESTIVAL PIACENZA 2014 – Italy, Piacenza, 17-18 October, 2014.

     Lectures 2: Acquario Biotopo – El Futuro dell’Acquaristica; Spedizioni di heiko Bleher –

     Riepilogo per 2013-2014.

–   MASTER OF DISCUS – Italy, Piacenza 17 October, 2014. Lectures & Seminars about

     Discus Judging

–   OSLO AQARIUM CLUB’s 85th anniversary conference – Norway,

     Oslo, 24-26 October, 2014. Lectures 2: Amazing Fishes and their Biology.

–   AQUATIC EXPERIENCE 2014 – USA, Chicago, 7-9 November 2014. Lectures 2:

     Diseases of Ornamental Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes – identification and treatment;

     Q & A with Heiko Bleher

–    MOLECULAR FRONTIERS (MF) SYMPOSIUM – Singapore 2014. Singapore, 17 November

      2014. Lecture: Molecular or morphology – which is the future? An example in Ichthyology &

      comment on the future of freshwater

–    COCHIN-MPEDA-INDIA. Presentation at MPEDA, India, Cochin, 19.November, 2014:

      About Indian Ornamental Fishes.

–    1a Convención Nacional del Acuarismo en Mexico – Mexico, Mexico City, 29-30 

      November 2014. Lectures 2: 29 November: Cuidados y Manejo Correcto del Pez Disco;

      30 November: Nuevas Especies Descobiertas en los últimos años.

–    MASTER OF DISCUS – Italy, Barga, Toscany, 13-14 December 2014. Lectures 2.


–   EXOTICA AREZZO, Italy, Arezzo. Arezzo Fiere. 20-21-22 February 2015.

     Q. & A. and Biotope Aquarium Workshop

–   KATOWICE Exhibition & BIOTOPE COMPETITION. Poland, Katowize, 6-7 June, 2015.

     Lectures: Habitats & Unusual Aquarium Fishes.

–   FLOWMETRIC Convention & Conferences 2015. USA, Philadelphia, 12-14 June 2015.

     Lectures & Biotope Aquariums:

–   INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Aquaculture & Fisheries 2015. Australia, Brisbane,

     20-22 July, 2015. Lectures: Key-Note speech and oral presentation on Zebrafish.

–   LIVING REEF 2015. Australia, Gold Coast, 2nd Heiko Bleher’ Seminar & Workshop of

     Biotopes, 24-25 July, 2015. Lectures:

–   6th Course of Aquariology in Italy. 11 October 2015 at Aula Magna della Scuola di

     Psicologia e Scienza della Formazione Italy, Cesena (FC) – Piazzale Karl Marx No. 180.

     Lectures 2: “L’acquario: unica certezza oggi per la conservazione delle specie – indicazioni

     per gli abbinamenti compatibili di pesci e piante, scelta appropriata del substrato, delle

     decorazioni,…” – “Come ottimizzare il benessere in acquario: errori e trascuratezze che fanno

     emergere specifiche patologie”.

–   PET FESTIVAL PIACENZA 2015. Italy, Piacenza, 17-18 October 2015. Lectures:

–   IV Symposium of Ichthyology in Costa Rica. Costa Rica, San José, 4 November 2015.

     Lectures 4: “La historia del acuarismo y sus ultimas técnicas; Heiko Bleher” – “50 años de

     expediciones” – “Conservación de peces, plants e invertebratos, de acuerdo con los

     biotopes en la naturaleza” – “La Biología increible de peces de agua dulce”.

–   AQUATIC EXPERIENCE CHICAGO 2015. USA, Chicago, 15-17 November 2015.

     Lectures 2: “New Raimbow Fishes & Blue Eyes” – “The amazing freshwater fishes and

     their unique biology”

–   OCA Extravaganza 2015. USA, Cleveland, 20-22 November, 2015. Lectures 2: The Cichlidae

     of India and the Middle east, with a note on a couple of North African ones; Discus &

     Angelfishes in nature, a little of there history, the valid species and un-described ones, with

     some notes on their habitats and ecology.

–   Convención Nacional del Acuarismo en Mexico – Mexico, Mexico City, 28-29 November

     2015. Lectures 2: cancelled

–   BULGARIAN AQURIUM SYMPOSIUM 2015. Bulgaria, Sofia, 5-6 December 2015. Lectures:



–   Aillinger Aquarium Verein Jahrestreffen 2016. Germany, Aillingen, 29 April, 2016. Lectures:

–   Wasserpflanzen Verein 40 Jahre Jubilaeum 2016. Germany, Stuttgart, Wilhelma, 30.April,

     2016. Lectures: open

–   1st Schmidt-Focke Honored Discus Show and Championship and World Biotope &

     Aquascape Contest, Italy, Cassagno-Magno, 3-5 June, 2016. Lectures: open


     (PAMM), Russia, Saint-Petersburg june 22-24, 2016. Conference website: Lectures: Key-note speech

–    EXPLORERS MUSEUM – Ireland, Dublin, June 25-26, 2016. Lectures: open

–    AQUACULTURE 2016 – UK, London, September 29th – October 1st, 2016.

      Contact: Lecture: Keynote speech


–   SEMINARIOS by PRODAC INTERNATIONAL – Mexico, Mexico City, August 8, 2017.

      Lectures: open

–   PONDEMONIUM, USA, Chicago, August 23-27, 2017. Lectures: open

–   Poland, Lodz, September 17, 2017. Lectures: open

–   PARKZOO, Russia, Moscow, September 20-21, 2017. Lectures: open

–   SEMINARIOS by TROPICAL & MYFISHROOM – Spain, Malaga, October 7, 2017.

      Lectures: open

–   CONFERENCES – Australia, Sydney, October 21, 2017. Lectures: open

–   AQUATIC EXPERIENCE CHICAGO 2017. USA, Chicago, 3-5 November, 2017.

     Lectures: open

–   CONFERENCES – Italy, Napoli, December 16, 2017. Lectures: open





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