Ucraine – Chernigiv, 26-28 March 2004
Main square of Chernigiv with the city hall and Opera house
Andrey had also for the Aquarium Festival invited the youth to decorate small aquariums on their own and 20 different school classes participated for this unique event at the Opera house
Chernigiv is a beautiful, very old city, hardly known to western people, here a few photos of its unique architecture and houses
Ucraine people are famous for their potato, on the market they sell an incredible variety of forms and tastes (left). Some of the local buses were imported used from Germany and retain the German writing “Ausstieg” (exit)
There are many churches and buildings which are over 1000 years old in this ancient city (left), but today also modern cloth and cellular phones are widely found, as everywhere else (right)
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