Canada – London, Ontario, 15 May, 2009
Jeff Burch in London, Ontario, is a excellent rainbowfish breeder, really dedicated.
Heiko did 3 biotope aquariums at the CAOAC Convention in London, Ontario, and Jeff supplied Heiko with some beautiful Chilatherina bleheri for his Danau Biru, biotope. (Thank you, Jeff). He also invited Heiko to visit his breeding establishment and below some of Jeff’s fishes.
Beautiful Melanotaenia lacustris (right) and young Glossolepis dorityi from Lake Jaigum
Pretty Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi…
…and Heiko’s discovery of Melanotaenia boesemani from Lake Aytinjo – the real colour. The Aytinjo variant has even more strong colours
Jeff has a large selection of rainbowfishes, also the Melanotaenia boesemani from the Aymaru Lake
His installation is in his cellar, small but efficient/functional
He has great Glossolepis wanamensis
…also a hybrid (left) and a genetic coloured Danio rerio (right) but said he does not breed those…
Jeff has a nice house in London, with a beautiful garden. Here Jeff (right) with Lisa Borman (centre), wife of Ken, and Heiko
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