Japan – Saitama, 19-20 April 2008
Heiko Bleher was invited by Shuichi Watanabe from Thoroughbred Aquarium in Nagoya to participate and to hold a lecture at the 2nd Japanese Discus Contest 2008.
The young Watanabe san, a wild discus lover, breeder and aquarium shop owner from Nagoya had invited Heiko for this unique Japanese event (see also http://t-aquarium.com/), which took place near Tokyo, in Saitama. Heiko was asked to give a power-point presentation on 19 April 2008:
The History and classification of the genus Symphysodon Heckel, 1840
Below some Fotos of this unique event. The head-organizer was Hiroshi Irie of Aquashop in Saitama – his photo below. The lower photos show the winners of the category Dreeding Discus and the Wild Discus. Their special signed and handed over by Heiko Bleher, was Bleher’s Discus, Volume 1 .
Above the two discus winners, Heiko’s choice: The Grand Champion of Wild Discus and the Grand Champion of Breeding.
Last photo: Heiko Bleher with Tahita, the Discus Aquarium hobbyist and photograper of the entire event. He had a Bella Italia (where Heiko lives) sweatshirt on and has a nice website http://tahita.cocolog-nifty.com/tahita/
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