Philippines – Tuguegerao, Cagayan 17 November 2009
Heiko Bleher was invited by BFAR Regional Manager Mrs. Jovita P. Ayson to give a lecture to the people of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources in Tuguegerao, Cagayan, Philippines
Mrs. Jovita P. Ayson, Dr. FT, Ceso III (centre) had invited Heiko to give a seminar about freshwater fish and introductions of exotics in the Cagayan region after his survey in three river basins in northern Luzon. Below some photos of this well organized event
Outside of the main Building of BFAR in Tuguegerao (from left): Jonathan, Stanley’s driver; the assistant of Mrs. Jovita Regional Manager; Heiko and Eric, Stanley’s breeder of rare fishes in Manila.
Two exotic species introduced into the local rivers: Osphronemus gorami (top left) and Oreochromis niloticus (top right) and one endemic rare mugilid still undescribed species, which is almost extinct…
The small aircraft which transported Heiko back from Tuguegerao to Manila and top view of the largest and longest Philippine River, the Cagayan, infested yearly with Tilapia fingerlings – Heiko was unable to find native fishes in it… but I love Cagayan…
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