Italy – Lecce, 17 April 2010
On a beautiful Saturday in this lovely old southern Italian town called Lecce, Heiko Bleher gave two lectures. The first one on how to collect 400 Green Discus and the second with details of the 9 different angelfish species and forms in South America, which he had discovered and recorded, including his most recent new species from the Apaporis. The great group of aquarists from Salentino region (photo below) had invited Heiko Bleher for the seminars, which took place during their fantastic bi-annual event of the Mediterranean Discus such as the last one where over 30,000 visited the exhibition and championships in this beautiful old Italian town… After his lectures Heiko also presented with Rosario Curcio his new magazine, the Discus Annual 2010,, which will be printed in Italian and also in an English edition – something very unique.
After Heiko’s presentations Rosario showed some of the new Discus Annual 2010 to be produced once a year a very unique magazine, in a way never done before and with articles never published anywhere before. Rosario showed an abstract of the new stile totally made in Italy (by Heiko & Rosario) …
… with a total new concept – easy to understand and with every detail like here the collecting method and where …
… with Heiko’s new Discus variants, he discovered last December in Amazonia and their history …
… the first issue will have 12 unique articles and not only subjects of Discus, but also details on filter materials, plants, interview with breeders never interviewed before, with new plant discoveries and details on Pterophyllum altum, with heiko’s latest discoveries on Loricariids (25, in part news species never seen before), Discus aquarium decorations done the Italian ways and so much more amazing features …
And at the end every one wanted the magazine immediately, but it will be printed and delivered only in June 2010. Here Rosario with Heiko and his collaborators at his website: where Heiko also regularly writes articles for, Italy’s number one site.
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