4th International PDS Championship in Manila

Philippines – Manila, 6-8 May, 2011

1-philip-may-2011.jpg The 4th Discus Championship of the Philippines Discus Society took place in Manila 6-8 May, 2011, in a giant Shopping Center. Heiko Bleher had been invited again, after he did judge at their 2nd Championships in 2009 . This time Heiko invited his friend from Turkey to judge with him, Cüneyt Birol. It was an incredible show and competition, the breeding of quality Discus in the Philippines today can compete with most parts of the world. The top class Discus developed in the Philippines can also be seen in Heiko’s new book Bleher’s Discus volume 2.

The 4th Discus Championship of the Philippines Discus Society took place in Manila 6-8 May, 2011, in a giant Shopping Center. Heiko Bleher had been invited again, after he did judge at their 2nd Championships in 2009. This time Heiko invited his friend from Turkey to judge with him, Cüneyt Birol. It was an incredible show and competition, the breeding of quality Discus in the Philippines today can compete with most parts of the world. The top class Discus developed in the Philippines can also be seen in Heiko’s new book Bleher’s Discus volume 2. Below some photos from this event, and also the 3 winners in each category, as well as the Grand Champion.

Once everything was set up and the final categories established thousands came to appreciate the nearly 100 tanks with top class discus, and the winners to be seen from the first day.

Heiko Bleher had invited Cüneyt Birol from Turkey, who Heiko had also earlier suggested to judge with him in Shanghai the year before, which was Cüneyt ‘s second international judging experience. In the top photo he can be seen with Eric, the Philippine Discus-Guru … And the two photos above show the categories and the judging method.

The Grand Champion suggested by Heiko and agreed by all, a beautiful almost perfect Discus originating from Schmidt-Focke’s “Checkerboard”. Dexter, a young excellent breeder in Manila, was the winner.

The prizes for the two judges (top), the judges with the main winners and the PDS president (centre), and the tropies.

The famous Belgian Discus breeder Michael Cabot, living in the Philippines for some years already, took most of the trophies – in several categories (top photo shaking Heiko’s hand), and the PDS president with Heiko Bleher (above). Below now all the winners in each category, the first prize in category 5 was also the Grand Champion.

1st place class 1

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 1

1st place class 2

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 2

1st place class 3

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 3

1st place class 4

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 4

1st place class 5 and Grand Champion

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 5

1st place class 6

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 6

1st place class 7

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 7

1st place class 8

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 8

1st place class 9

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 9

1st place class 10

2nd place (left) and 3rd place (right) class 10

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