Canada – London, Ontario, 15-17 May 2009
The CAOAC (Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs) took place in London, Ontario, on the weekend 15-17th May, 2009, and Heiko decorated 3 biotope-aquariums, sponsored by Rolf C. Hagen, Canada
Heiko first had to get the decoration material for the biotope-aquarium. The fine sand and stones he fetched with Carl at the Lake Ontario site and than it had to be washed thoroughly. Also the driftwood had to be washed
The biotope of the Alenquer region with wild blue discus (S. haraldi) was authentic, with fine, white silika sand, watered driftwood coming in from the top and floating plants. In this 77 gallon aquarium were placed 6 adult blue discus and loricariids
The other two biotope-aquariums were of the Lake Holmes (Danau Biru) in Irian Jaya, New Guinea (left, next to Ken Boorman who helped to get some plants for it and also rocks) and one of a local, Thames-river biotope (a London, Ontario river site)!
The Danau-Biru biotope had, as in nature, fine sand and gravel, as well as driftwood and few roundish rocks to be found on the lakes edge. Bacopa sp., Vallisneria sp. and Ceratophyllum sp. grows in the lake. The only rainbowfish living in the lake is Chilaterina bleheri, which Heiko had discovered 1982 in this lake were it lives endemic
The tributary of the Thames-river near London, Ontario, contained 15 different native fish species and Heiko decorated it accordingly. With fine sand (taken from Lake Ontario), driftwood (also from the lake) and many rocks also from the biotope. The only plant living here is hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum), which the fishes loved. Also the mussels. Everyone loved it and could not believe there were so many different native species living in their vicinity. Heiko collected the majority of the species the day before…
Heiko collecting alone in the tributary were he found beautiful darters and shiners, catostomids and much more. The main group collected in the Thames river itself…
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