Canada – Cambridge, Ontario, 18 May, 2009
Stephen Crawford of Cambridge, Ontario is a very interesting hobby breeder, of mainly small fishes, some are rarely seen in the hobby and he breeds those in the very natural way.
Stephen Crawford (2. from right), here in his breeding room with his wife Dawn and a friend, Antony, a pet-shop owner
Stephen has many breeding awards, is member of several clubs and also has a Fishing Fund
He keeps his fishes very natural, like with gloating plants (top), which they love, like this Brachyraphis episcopi, male (top, right), and the rare Limia nigrofasciata (left male, right female), or…
…the Aequidens coeruleopunctatus feel like at home under the floating plants
Stephen has some nice Apistogramma species, like the young A. paucisquamis (left) or the A. pulchra (right)…
…and a very beautiful Cichlasoma boliviense…
He has a very natural way to decorate his tanks, as in nature and with algae over grown caves
… only his Corydoras and Aspidoras (here Aspidoras species C35 – commonly called “Black Phantoni“ are missing fine sand to dig into it
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